Reflecting Back On The Good News in 2021

Reflecting Back On The Good News in 2021

Dear Parishioners, 

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Every year, we publish a multiple-week bulletin during the holidays. As such, I have encouraged our staff to write a reflection about the good news that happened to them and the ministries this year. One might assume that the pandemic obscured our vision and abilities to minister to the community, but I am proud to say that just the opposite was true. Of course, there were roadblocks and obstacles. But, that just meant we had to let go of old paradigms, our need to control, and just let Jesus take care of everything (cf. Surrender Novena). So, I hope that you will find this bulletin a source of encouragement and joy.

As for myself, I look back and have the fondest memories of spending Wednesday’s giving away boxes of food for whomever drove up into our parking lot. All said and done, we gave away 36,820 boxes of food and 2,400 gallons of milk to those in need. It was such a bright spot in a dark time of our year. When we finally ended, it had been over a year since we gave out our initial food boxes. I am so grateful for meeting new people, working together as a team, praying with people who either asked or seemed to need it, reassuring those who came to us in tears that God would provide, and the laughter and joy that came with just giving oneself away in service. The parish staff also stepped up to support this event with a clear sense of mission.

I am also grateful for the teachers and staff of our school. The hurdles that were set before us, unexpectedly, required us to pivot several times, and they did! Our school population is the largest since I arrived (see Colleen’s reflection therein). Through adversity, we have found a focus and dependence on Jesus. 

I am grateful for the presence of Anthony Hoangphan, our pastoral year seminarian. Having another person in the house can create issues. Yet, Anthony was flexible and charitable the whole time. I didn’t know if we would have enough things for him to do given the COVID shutdowns. But, alas, there was no shortage of things for him to do in ministry. In addition, we learned new skills in woodworking, and even build a children’s shelf/seat for the school auction.

Finally and possibly most potently, the Surrender Novena was a huge gift. My mother, Helene, passed in  September of 2020. A year or more prior to her passing, she began praying this relatively unknown novena over and over, possibly completing it over 30 times. My brother-in-law stumbled upon it in a Catholic bookstore in Denver. He showed it to my sister, Carolyn, and they then gave it to my mother. She shared it with the rest of my siblings, and I preached about it at her funeral. Archbishop Sample was present at her funeral and, long story short, he began to pray it. From there, it was reproduced and given to all the priests of the Archdiocese. Since then, it has gone out to countless people who have found profound solace and hope praying the novena. At last tally, we have ordered over 3,000 cards and I expect to run out of those in several months. I was recently told that the archdiocesan Office of Divine Worship had given out almost 20,000 of these novena cards! Praise God!  I have mourned my mother’s passing, but it is most certainly pierced by the light of this legacy of prayer which she championed in her last year of life, and I believe continues to do so from heaven.

So, as we say farewell to 2021, I want to leave you with the prayer refrain from the Surrender Novena. I believe it to be a key to our true joy in Christ now and into our future:

“Oh my Jesus, I surrender myself to you. Take care of everything!”


Fr. William Holtzinger

Thanksgiving, Repentance, and Prayer

Thanksgiving, Repentance, and Prayer

Dear Parishioners,


I hope this letter finds you amidst the joys and peace of being with family and/or friends on this Thanksgiving Day weekend. If you find yourself suffering from “Tryptophan poisoning” induced by your Thanksgiving Day turkey dinner, then rest assured, you are not alone. I may end up asleep watching football, a tradition that I like to participate in on this day of gratitude. Seriously, It is wonderful that our country has enshrined a day for us to be mindful of all the amazing things we have in our lives here in the U.S. Maybe we could all offer a prayer that we would be open to an attitude of gratitude in the days that follow and well into the new year.


This weekend also begins our preparatory season of Advent. In this season we are being encouraged by the Church to prepare our hearts not only for the celebration of the first Advent of Christ (Christmas), but also for the Second Advent of Christ (The End Time). Both events call us to be people of repentance. We see this in the color of purple amidst our environment as well as an encouragement to participate in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Fr. Stephen and I will be making confessions more available by offering a daytime block during one of the weekdays of Advent (date to be announced) as well as adding an hour to our Saturday confession times. So, that means we will begin hearing confessions in the church on the Saturdays of Advent an hour earlier than normal: 2:30 PM instead of 3:30 PM (Dec. 4, 11, 18).


Beginning on the First Sunday in Advent (Nov. 28), our Parish Leadership Team (PLT) will begin offering time to be prayed with at St. Anne after the 11 AM Mass each Sunday. This will be a new outreach to our parishioners and anyone else who attends the 11 AM Mass to know that God desires to comfort us, help us, and lift us up. Our Team, myself, Fr. Stephen Kenyon, Sandra Lopez, Kathy Nelson, and Bill Bailey, will be available to you for such prayer. All they will ask is your name and what you would like them to pray about. They may ask if they can put their hand on your shoulder in order to help you feel the comfort of your loving family here at St. Anne. This is certainly a new approach of outreach out to our community, so too it is for our PLT. Please keep the PLT in your prayers, as we continue to discern our own role as parish leaders following the promptings of the Holy Spirit. In time, we hope this may expand to the other Masses on the weekend.

I am so thankful for the communities of St. Anne, Our Lady of the River, and St. Patrick of the Forest. Let us be ever mindful of the gifts that God has given us, ever aware that our Lord’s return gets closer each day, and respond as stewards, giving of our time, talent, and treasure.


Fr. William Holtzinger

Our Bazaar & November Remembrance

Our Bazaar & November Remembrance

Dear Parishioners,

Thank You

A big thank you needs to go out to all those who participated in this year’s annual Bazaar. While I don’t know the financial results, it was a huge success as far as participation is concerned. Many people have been waiting for two years either building up a storehouse of crafting goods to be donated to the Bazaar or waiting to go shopping for that perfect hand-made item that they will enjoy for years. A shout out and thanks to this year’s coordinator, Susan Finley. She joins a lineage of people who have shouldered the burden and joy of putting it together. A thank you is needed to all those who have been meeting continuously over the past many months to make the amazing crafts possible! Thank you also to the kitchen crew who offered us cinnamon rolls and turkey dinner! I also want to thank our Evangelization Team who hosted our Open House which accompanied the Bazaar. It, too, was a huge success.

November, A Month of Remembrance

We are now well into November, kicked off by our celebrations of All Saints Day and All Souls Day. Traditionally in the Church, the whole of the month of November commemorates those who have died. Our culture, unfortunately, prefers a more antiseptic approach to death which often finds families not offering funerals for their loved ones. And while we certainly should be celebrating the lives of our deceased loved ones, it is highly problematic to either ignore or pretend that we are mourning. It is not a bad thing to mourn, but rather a healthy part of healing. We don’t like mourning and would prefer avoiding it. But, if we don’t properly mourn, then that unresolved loss can come out in unexpected ways such as fits of anger and lashing out at others, all of which are defense mechanisms to keep us far from our deep-seated hurts. 

The Church, in her wisdom, knows that it is important to mourn and say goodbye. We Christians mourn with hope (cf. 1 Thessalonians 4:13). It is with this understanding that the Church ritualizes the process of mourning in her beautiful rites of a funeral Mass. I personally find great consolation through every funeral in which I participate. They are not merely sad gatherings, but events that challenge us to hope, seek counsel, and understand how great the gift of salvation is for those who die in the friendship of the Lord. The funeral Mass is ultimately our prayer to the Father for our beloved dead through the sacrifice and resurrection of Jesus Christ which conquered death and opened up the possibility for heaven.

Through the month of November, we are encouraged to pray for our beloved dead, for many are on their journey of being purified by the grace of God (a.k.a. purgatory) and could use our help as we accompany them on their way. To this end, I want to encourage you to consider writing the name of a deceased loved one in our Book of Remembrance which is located near our votive candles on the south side of the church. I also want to encourage you to consider attending any of our funerals regardless of whether you knew the deceased or not. It is a great spiritual and corporal work of mercy to pray and bury the dead.


Fr. William Holtzinger

Seasons of Nature and Faith

Seasons of Nature and Faith

Dear Parishioners,

Fall is now upon us. The leaves of our trees are turning color, some in a brilliant kaleidoscope of beauty. Eventually, the leaves will fall to cover the ground. Nature is telling us a story about life and death. Later in spring, it will complete the story when new leaves appear and our trees will be full of life once again. It all reflects the Paschal Mystery, Christ’s suffering, death, and resurrection. The Church recognizes how nature, indeed all of creation, proclaims the glory of God (cf. Psalm 19:2).

The Liturgical seasons also reflect God’s creation. As we pass into winter, the days get shorter. When it is dark, we reflect on the Star of Bethlehem and celebrate the coming of the Light who is Christ Jesus. About this time, our days start to become longer. Easter comes at a time when new life is coming forth, spring. I know that many would love it to be summer all the time. For me, I enjoy the changing of the seasons. I mourn the loss of warm weather, but now more than ever, I am glad to see God’s creation bring clouds to water the land and give snow to the mountains. What season do you like the most? Can you see the beauty in each season?

Nature has dealt us many blows from fires, floods, storms, and earthquakes. Those are physical evils, yes. Yet even despite the destruction and death they caused, God is always at work. In each of the many tragedies that have befallen us, God has inspired people to heroic virtue and acts of sacrificial love. How did you feel last weekend as the rains returned to our parched land? I welcomed it. For me, God gave a renewed appreciation of its importance in our lives. Our air was washed clean from the smoke that has plagued us, and I could see our surrounding mountains. I assumed local fires were impeded by the precipitation as well.

If you haven’t thought about this or find some seasons more difficult than others, ponder on the life of Christ and how each part of his Paschal Mystery can be reflected in creation. Then pray that God will inspire in you a deeper faith to see the beauty about you, regardless of the time of year. May we, as stewards of God’s creation, ask our Lord to give us a renewed vision of the beauty and gift of our world which God has given us. May we, in turn, be mindful of our attitudes and actions which help protect or harm our local and global community. May such acts of appreciation and stewardship give glory to God!


Fr. William Holtzinger

Sacrifice and Masks

Sacrifice and Masks

Dear Parishioners,

Thank you for all the sacrifices you do for the community! This past week, we were called to wear masks in order to mitigate the risks for parishioners and school families from COVID-19 and its Delta variant which has become the most dominant form afoot. This was done out of a sense of pastoral responsibility and prudential judgment. None of us are happy about any of the recent events in regard to the pandemic. But, there is merit in obedience and care for others. We live out our faith as Church by personal, one-on-one sharing of our hearts and faith and putting the concerns of others above our own. 

I understand that some do not agree with some of the requirements or other regulations that have come to us over the past 18 months. Yet, their sacrifice and willingness to still follow the regulations is commendable when in light of their consideration of others who may be scandalized or fearful to even come to Mass when they might see others not following those guidelines. I am proud that our parishes in Southern Oregon and throughout our Archdiocese have followed, as best as each could, the guidelines and requirements. I know that other churches have disregarded them altogether. I believe the Catholic Church’s “Preferential Option for the Poor” calls us to lift up the weak and to put those who are sick or at risk in the forefront of our hearts and minds.

One of the purposes of the Mass is to offer and receive sacrifice, offering our burdens to Christ while also proclaiming Christ’s suffering, death, and resurrection in our lives. In doing so, we are given consolation and enter into communion with Christ and his meritorious death and Resurrection. 

In the beginning of the Eucharistic Prayer the priest says, “Pray my brothers and sisters that my sacrifice and yours may be acceptable to God the Almighty Father.” And the community affirms this desire in response. So, it is in these times that the requirement of wearing a mask, as given to us by the local Church, is one such sacrifice we can quickly identify that we offer up during Mass.

May the proclamation of the Word and the reception of the Eucharist give us the strength to be joyful witnesses to God’s love despite and through the sufferings that befall us in these difficult times. Again, thank you all for your faithful response and sacrifice. May we all offer it up as a sacrifice of love for those who suffer more than we do.


Fr. William Holtzinger

The Bread of Life Discourse

The Bread of Life Discourse

Dear Parishioners,

Beginning last week, the Universal Church’s liturgical calendar celebrated the 17th Sunday in Ordinary time (although St. Anne was able to transfer the feast of her patron to the same day). It began a several week reading of what is called “The Bread of Life Discourse” from the sixth chapter of John which began with the miracle of the Multiplication of the Loaves and Fish. It concludes with Jesus’ teaching about how he is the “Bread of Life” and that we must eat his flesh and drink his blood so that we might have life within us.

While the Gospel of John did not include the “Institution Narrative” at the Last Supper, as did the Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke), John recounted Jesus’ first remarks and teachings about the Eucharist which preceded the Last Supper. It is only in the Gospel of John where we read Jesus implore with great passion that he would not only give his flesh and blood for us (think Crucifixion) but also that his followers were to eat his flesh and blood. Those who heard Jesus teach this had mixed reactions. For the common Jew of the day, it would have been reasonable to find his words off-putting and repugnant. Towards the end of the discourse, we find that many disciples left him to return to their former ways of life. Turning to Peter, Jesus asked if he will leave too. Peter responded, “Master, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and are convinced that you are the Holy One of God” (Jn 6:68-69).

If we take Jesus seriously, (and we do), it would seem to me, compelled to make one of two choices: 1. conclude that Jesus meant these things metaphorically or symbolically, or 2. conclude that Jesus meant truly, literally what he said. 

If we side with the first option, then we should conclude, as the famous Catholic, Flannery O’Connor once put it, “To hell with it.” Why go to Mass when the Eucharist is merely a symbol or sign? Why give our adoration to it? In fact, we should stop doing this altogether, for it would be blasphemous, indeed, it could be considered one of the highest forms of sin against God found in the First Commandment(, idolatry. We should never worship what is not God. At most, we might give it reverence to a symbol like we do any other signs of Christ such as the Cross, Altar, the Paschal Candle, and such. But that is it. In this case, it would be a waste of time to build tabernacles and churches and services focused on this mere symbol. 

But, if we conclude, as the Church has from it’s beginning, that the Eucharist is truly, substantially, mystically Christ’s body and blood, soul, and divinity, then our worship is just that, worth-ship—something worth our time and energy in devotion and adoration.

Clearly, if we read Chapter 6 of John, we read about those who chose the second option and left. Others, may have taken Jesus literally, but did not understand. And while choosing the first option, they just followed him because of his miracles. Then there were the likes of Peter, who likely didn’t understand, but took Jesus literally, maintained his faith, suspended his confusion, desired in his heart to ascent to Jesus’ teaching, and placed his trust in the words and person of Jesus. I can imagine Peter thinking:

“Okay, Jesus. I really don’t understand what you are talking about. This seems strange. But, you have never let us down. You have shown yourself to be the Messiah. You have claimed that you are the Son of God. And no one could do the miracles you have done if God were not with him. I will trust that you will explain this new teaching in time. Besides, you have always spoken the truth and have the words of everlasting life.” 

Thankfully, Jesus makes his teaching clear at the Last Supper when he says, “This is my body” and “This is my blood” (think “institution narrative”) while presenting the bread and wine of the Passover meal. In the Last Supper, Jesus revealed that the Passover was not longer just the remembrance of Moses leading the Israelites out of slavery, but now would be the way the Messiah would passover death to eternal life, giving us himself as a perpetual sacrifice once and for all for the salvation of the world. Jesus revealed that he would be the final Lamb of God who would take away the sins of the world. In giving us himself in the Eucharist, he gave us way to commune with him through time as well as a vehicle for healing and grace until the end of time. Instead of giving us manna to eat, he would give his very self.

Please take time to read the whole of the sixth chapter of the Gospel of John. If you would like to talk about this in person, I or Fr. Stephen Kenyon would be more than happy to listen and walk with you in your journey of faith.


Fr. William Holtzinger

A Year To Remember Ends and a New One Begins

A Year To Remember Ends and a New One Begins

Dear Parishioners,

Last week, we concluded the academic school year, one that will go down in the history of amazing years for our humble school. God was blessing this important ministry all through the hard times of constant change and in the months when some regulations were rescinded. We added two new teachers, Katie Alderman and Samantha Austria-Gerig amidst the throws of the pandemic. New drop-off and pick-up procedures were created and executed. Grants and other funds were miraculously made available to help us excel in creating a safe environment for our students, faculty, and staff. The PTO stepped up to do new and heroic things for the school. And the list goes on. With Summer Vacation beginning, please keep our children and their families in your prayers. Ask God to protect them and help them grow in faith and wisdom. Please pray also for the new teachers who have and will be hired between now and the end of the Summer. God is doing some amazing things in and through our school.

Next weekend, we say goodbye to Fr. Arjie who has been serving here for the past three years. Last weekend he offered Mass at our Missions of Our Lady of the River and then St. Patrick of the Forest. Next weekend, he will be offering all the Masses here at St. Anne. Maybe you might let him know of your support this one last time as time allows after the Masses. He will be heading to St. James in McMinnville and its missions as the Parochial Vicar with Fr. Mike Walker. Please keep in your prayers, as he begins a new journey in his priestly ministry. We wish him well and pray that his gifts will shine forth for the glory of God!

Following Fr. Arjie, we expect to received our new Parochial Vicar, Fr. Stephen Kenyon, in the days that follow. Work will be done, as per usual, to the parish house on Churchill in preparation for his arrival. He will immediately be scheduled in our common weekday and weekend Masses schedules  starting July 1st. Please extend him your prayerful support and warm welcome St. Anne style!

Anthony Hoangphan will be concluding his Pastoral Year on Sunday, July 4th. He will be returning home in Tigard for the rest of the Summer and will continue on his Theological studies at Mount Angel Seminary in the Fall. God willing, he will be ordained a deacon next Summer. Please let him know of your prayerful support. 

It has been a year to remember. Through the good and bad, we kept the faith and did our best to offer what we could in the ways of ministry, Sacraments, and most importantly, the Mass.  May God who has been with us through it all continue to keep our hearts and minds open to the things he wants to do in us in the coming year.


Fr. William Holtzinger

Retreats: Being Good Stewards of Our Souls

Retreats: Being Good Stewards of Our Souls

Dear Parishioners,

Last week, the priests of our Archdiocese were away for our annual retreat. Thank you to everyone who prayed for us while we were on retreat. These times are challenging for us all. As such, we priests are called to walk with you and lead you to our Lord who is our Shepherd. I deeply believe that an annual retreat should be part of all of our lives, for without it the constant challenges of life can become overwhelming.

We all need to keep our focus on Jesus and his Gospel. When is the last time you went on a retreat? Has it been years? Maybe never? As the Church opens up and we journey out of the pandemic, please keep your eyes on our bulletin. We frequently post retreats that are happening around us and beyond. While some may be virtual (which is good), the most effective are those which are in person. You might be surprised that you can call the various retreat houses in our state and they can set up a private retreat with periodic meetings with a priest or spiritual director. My favorite individual retreats have been silent retreats at Our Lady of Guadalupe Trappist Abbey in Carlton, OR. Mount Angel Abbey is another great option. And of course, as things open up, our own local St. Rita Retreat center in Gold Hill is a great option that does not require much travel. I am praying and discerning about how St. Anne can offer a retreat in the coming school year. What do you think? I know that it is hard to get away, yet we seem to be able to do it for vacations which may last a week or two. And these are good. Might we also consider carving out three or four days to renew our hearts and souls in God? If you have been struggling to ground yourself in your faith, a retreat is a fantastic and powerful way to be a good steward of your soul. Ponder and pray about this all!


Fr. William Holtzinger

Pentecost 2021

Pentecost 2021

Dear Parishioners,

Maranatha! Come Holy Spirit! That is the call I wish for us all to have, and most especially this weekend on the Solemnity of Pentecost. In these days, we most certainly need to keep our focus and not get distracted by the darkness around us. So many people are struggling to find peace and joy. May you are one of them. While vacations, days off, entertainment, and many other activities are good for the soul, nothing is better than a deep indwelling of the Holy Spirit who is our consoler, guide, and advocate in times of need. Call on the Holy Spirit to give you peace beyond circumstances and passing issues. Surrender yourself and push aside arrogance, pride, or anything else that may impede the Holy Spirit from entering your heart. Life is to be lived fully. Jesus wanted us to experience it in abundance, and the Holy Spirit is the person who can make that happen if we just allow it. A start may be to pray with earnest the following prayer or something from deep within your soul:

Come, Holy Spirit!
Fill my heart.
Kindle in me the fire of your love.
Help me push aside anything which may block you,
And renew my life from the inside out.


Fr. William Holtzinger

Special Convocation/Retreat with ACTS XXIX

Special Convocation/Retreat with ACTS XXIX

Dear Parishioners,

Thank you all for your prayers for all of us priests who attended the special convocation at the beginning of this month. The Surrender Novena was a perfect vehicle of grace targeting our need to submit ourselves to Jesus Christ and let him take over and heal whatever is broken. The convocation was more akin to a retreat, and I believe it was an experience unlike any gathering of us diocesan priests together. 

The event took place in one of the newest and certainly the biggest Catholic church in the Archdiocese. The building was originally the home of New Hope Christian Church and was purchased this past year by of Our Lady of La Vang Parish. After doing some research, is is well double in square footage from the previous location of Our Lady of La Vang Parish. It seats a whopping 2,170 people in their main nave which compares to 575 in their previous church. The pews and seats in the nave are arranged in a semi-round fashion before the sanctuary and has two levels. Let’s just say that there was enough for the each of the 140 priests in attendance for our convocation to have about 15+ feet from the nearest person.

Fr. John Riccardo and his ACTS XXIX team came and offered us some thought provoking talks during the event. I say “event,’ because it wasn’t simply about learning more about our faith, but creating a space and time for us to ponder on our own struggles, suffering, and need for healing. If you would like to get a taste of the first day, pick up a copy of Fr. Riccardo’s book, “Rescued: The Unexpected and Extraordinary News of the Gospel.” I used this book in preparation for this past Triduum (Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Vigil) and Easter Sunday Masses. The rest of the time was marked by time of fellowship and and opportunities for confession, adoration, and quiet prayer. Possibly the highest point came when the ACTS XXIX team offered private opportunities to have hands laid upon each of us priests while lifting us up in prayer, specifically for healing. I’ve been to many gatherings of the presbyterate (diocesan priests serving the Archdiocese), and I have offered a fair number of retreats where we would lay hands on the retreatants, but this has never been the occasion for us priests as a whole. There were a couple times for us to publicly share about the time we were spending together. And let’s just say it was heartfelt, sometimes raw, and some priests truly made themselves vulnerable by taking some risks in their sharing. It was all very healthy. It inspired and challenged me. I had to go to confession twice while I was there due to what they shared and how it revealed things to me. 

Two other highlights were the personal testimonies of faith, conversion, and admission of personal struggles from Bishop Peter Smith and Archbishop Alexander Sample. After Archbishop Sample shared in his closing remarks to us priests, we stood and applauded him for quite some time for being so frank and vulnerable with us. Another priest then shouted out that we should pray over him and as that priest laid hands on the Archbishop, another prayed a beautiful prayer of thanksgiving and aid for our lead Shepherd.

This gathering was the beginning of some healing work for many of us priests, assuming we are willing to do our homework. In the beginning of October, we will be gathering for our normal/annual convocation, and as providence would have it, we will be lead by Dr. Bob Schuchts, the founder of the John Paul II Healing Center. We were given his book, “Be Healed: A Guide to Encountering the Powerful Love of Jesus in Your Life.” Much of his work was presented by the ACTS XXIX team during our time together. So, once again, God is at work doing what he does best. Please continue to pray for us priests, as we do for you. God is great and does amazing things!


Fr. William Holtzinger